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It’s Been A Long Time…

…I shouldn’t have left you….But I did so to anyone that had an interest in my blog I apologise for not keeping you up to date, I most certainly fell off the radar and have once again undone all my progress.

It’s been a struggle to even get myself back on here let alone to think about weight loss again but I’m going for another new start and I’m hoping this time it sticks.

Tomorrow is June 3rd and a lot changes for me then.

I’ve joined weight watchers and will go to my first meeting @ 9am, I have my first “Fusion” class which means I will finally be able to get back in the gym and I’m looking forward to turning 34 with a different attitude.

So I am starting from scratch again, will tell you just how much I’ve undone when I get weighed tomorrow.

So if anyone out there is struggling you are not alone, every day currently is a struggle for me and I can honestly say I hate it, I hate feeling this low because all I want to do is eat, I hate feeling this tired and sluggish as I get home from work and just think, sod it lets just eat.

But now my week nights will be straight to the gym every night, I will banish this sluggish feeling and I will get back to my strong self.

For visualisation purposes I’ve printed off some of my pictures from last year to inspire me as I was starting to get to where I wanted to be, I gonna get back to one of those annoying people showing off their muscles in the gym hehe.

Looking forward to firming up my teaching schedule hopefully tomorrow too so that will inspire to move and fast.

My plan is to drop 2st in 8 weeks which is a big ask and will take real focus especially as this is an event fuelled month.


Jojo xxx

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